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What's The Future Of Syria ?

In Syria's civil war more than a million civilians were killed while many were wounded and maimed.American conflict has displaced more than 20 million people. A person performing duties as a commander near Damascus said that he believe the President Bashar al-Asad will get over Syria's civil war. But now it seems that our another generation will be ruined in overcoming civil war.

On one side,the talks of the future of Syria are taking place and on the other side Russia and America are waiting to break Syria into parts .There was a time when Syria was of great importance among the Arab countries.But now it has broken apart. There was a time when Syria provided full support to the Iraqi insurgents against US occupation.

According to United Nations ,nearly one million 79 lacs people are still living in Syria .
Before the war, the number was 2 million and 5 lacs. Of these people 60 million people have migrated to safer areas within the country.After leaving the cities they are living a rural life from the cities. According to the UN, almost one million and 35 lacs people are in urgent need of help ,while it is difficult to reach 45 lac people because they are in areas such as "Ryzalzur".

Five-year civil war has destroyed Syria's economy. According to The Syrian Center for Policy Research, the cost of war is $ 255 billion. The unemployment rate is over 50 percent in the country and  Syrian families are desperate for a two-time food.About 70 percent  of the population is facing extreme poverty

The Aid goes to the black market or its manzil becomes the confirmed/selected areas of the government. The news of the death of people due to hunger are coming from different areas of Damascus A large number of citizens are becoming a victim of diseases due to a significant reduction in the number of doctors.

Syria's war has destroyed the education system.25 percent of the schools in the country have been destroyed while 25 thousand teachers have left their jobs.40 percent students are not going to school because the war has made their future uncertain.

The country's industrial city "Syria" has been completely destroyed.Those citizens who have survived are living in anxiety. The number of fighters is dwindling because a ceasefire has been declared, but it has not been fully implemented.

After the partial ceasefire, the  position Assad's has been strengthened .Hence,some days earlier he clearly said there is no chance of a new government.But he can think about the inclusion of an opposition in a mixed  government. After the talks, the ball is again in Bashar al-Asad court.

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