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Pakistani Born London's Mayor ' Sadiq Khan '
The image of Pakistan, as well as Pakistanis, is not so good.But Pakistanis prove that they can do anything. Even they don't refrain from historical achievement.They establish a separate nation,despite the opposition of the English and the Indians.India explodes the atom bomb ,in its answer Bhutto swears that we will make Atom Bomb ,even if we have to eat the grass.And then Pakistanis succeed in making the Atom Bomb without eating any grass.The whole world was startled that how a country,exporting needle to cycle ,achieved such success ? Two Pakistanis ,Docter Abdul Qadeer Khan, and Malala Yousafzai also achieved noble prize .In every field of Pakistan ,the question of lack of an effective  system is raised.But in this part of the world, such people are born who are capable of  making wonders in their fields.

Sadiq Khan is a son of a bus driver.But he has defeated the billionaire of the Conservatives party.He is the first Muslim mayor of London.

Usually, good news doesn't come from the West about Pakistan. Even though , the news of the selection of Pakistan-born as a Mayor of London has surprisingly amazed the Pakistanis.The news of Pakistanis money laundry keeps coming from London.The have been accused of terrorism.London media have been displaying such pictures in which they are not defined as human rather as beasts.But ,by choosing Sadiq Khan as mayor, the residents of London have proved that Media doesn't have much impact on one's opinion and in developed societies, people are capable of concluding freely.

There was once an era when the whole world was ruled from London and It was thought that the Brittish empire will never end.As the time passed on it has been reduced to London.Even though,the international importance of London is still.Today also it is listed in the world's important cities.For instance,Whenever Pakistani politicians want treatment or whenever they want to live the life of exile then their favourite city is London.London is a city of the English ,but it is such a city where you will survive without speaking English in some of its sectors.

Sadiq Khan's Road to Politics :

Sadiq Khan belongs to the Labour party.His victory has ended the eight-year government of the Conservatives.Sadiq Khan says
He never even dreamt that he would become the Mayor of London
Sadiq Khan's story is an unusual tale of struggle and perseverance.His Grandfather migrated from India at the time of Independence and came to London just before the birth of Khan.His late father Imanullah Khan worked as a bus driver for more than 25 years.Sadiq Khan also remembers his childhood today.His mother and father used to work day and night.Sadiq himself started working early in his youth.He worked as a labour on different buildings.This family was living a life of struggle in London ,but they never forgot their poor relatives in Pakistan.They used to send them money regularly so that their relatives should find comfort from their hard work.They were very hard days of life.His family was living in a three bedroom flat.

Sadiq wanted to become a dentist.He chose science and mathematics subjects in his A-levels.But one his teacher was greatly impressed by his reasoned views.He advised Sadiq to become a Lawyer.In this way , he arrived at the University of North London to study law.Afterwards, he also remained a visiting lecturer in this college.Sadiq started practising law in London.He handled such cases in which the Police has abused ,in which there were the problems of the unemployed and in which someone faced some prejudiced behaviour.He earned immense fame from such cases.

In London , he became famous as an expert in law,who was a champion of human's rights and was adept in using the tongue of reasoning in order to provide the victims their right.After advocatory ,Politics was waiting for Sadiq Khan.In 1994,he started his career as a counselor.In 2003,he tried to become a contender for the seat of MPA and then in 2005 he was elected as a member of  the Parliment.Sadiq Khan political career also speaks of his story of courage.He used to give long speeches on the subject of Islamic terrorism.In 2005,he was awarded on his brilliant performance in the parliament.In August 2006, he earned fame by signing the letter ,written to Tony Blair, in which Government's kharja Policy was criticised.

In 2010,Sadiq Khan was again elected the member of Parliament . He remained the campaign leader of David Milli Band's Labour leadership campaign. In the elections of 2015 , Sadiq Khan was elected the member of Parliament for the third time.During Gordon Brown's government  Sadiq Khan also remained Minister of State of Communities. In 2009 ,he attended a meeting of the Cabinet as Minister of State's Transport. In the 2010 elections, Sadiq Khan remained in 100 major politicians of London. He had his own opinion on every level which he confidently expressed . Sadiq Khan told the world that 
My name is Sadiq Khan and I am the Mayor of London
It is an honor that Sadiq Khan has got from his hard work. British democracy is appreciated around the world ,It is tried to be followed because it has examples like Sadiq Khan. British democracy provides opportunities of higher education for the children of a poor driver. Open the doors of politics for him.Sadiq Khan becomes the part of a government that has the status of an example in promoting democracy in the world. Here Sadiq Khan slams his talent, genius, and courage. The system is not becoming an obstacle in his way. It is continuously providing  opportunities to him and he is now the mayor of London. He is giving a message of hope to the citizens of London. After his election, he said
I am proud that London has chosen hope over fear. The politics of fear is not welcome in our city.
During the election, the Conservatives kept alleging him a lot. Sadiq Khan contested the London's elections  against Jemima Khan's brother . Jemima Khan took part in the election campaign of his brother Zac Goldsmith. Jemima congratulated Sadiq Khan after the election and said he is a great example for young Muslims. 

Sadiq Khan insists that he is a representative of every person living in London and will prove it through his actions. After his victory Sadiq Khan vowed to work for every person living in London but the effects of the Goldsmith's campaign in London remain. During his campaign ,Sadiq Khan was criticized by Zac for being , a Muslim. He said 
the selection of Sadiq Khan as the mayor will provide a platform to Muslim extremists. 
London election results have proved that a negative campaign can never have positive results . Zac Goldsmith has not only lost the election of London's mayorship but also, the British media is predicting that the doors of politics have been closed for him.

On tremendous success of Sadiq Khan's ,we can not stay without saying that now our dear country needs leaders like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan ,Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who have the ability and courage to change the course of history ,And after Sadiq Khan being elected as a mayor of London it is not wrong to keep expectations from this nation.

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